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„Gates of Remembrance”

This is the name of the five glass steles that the American artist Arnold Dreyblatt erected on the grounds in Ysselsteyn on behalf of the German War Graves Commission.

They show places where victims of the National Socialist occupation were persecuted and murdered and name the various groups of victims in the Netherlands. “Never again!” is the central message. The memorial was inaugurated on December 4, 2023, and the German embassy published a video in March 2024.

Video of the German Embassy

A film by the German Embassy is just over ten minutes long and not only shows the construction of the five glass steles and excerpts from the inauguration, but also gives protagonists of the reconciliation process a chance to speak (German language).

“Visible remembrance of victims of German occupation in the Netherlands”

Read the complete report on the creation and inauguration on the website of the Volksbund.
