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Anne Frank house Amsterdam

Anne Frank house Amsterdam

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Excursion
  • Duration: approx 1.5 hours
  • Suitable for youths from the age of 10

A day trip to the Dutch capital Amsterdam, about 150 kilometres from Ysselsteyn, is a special experience and offers many possibilities for all kinds of activities. For groups interested in history, the world-famous Anne Frank House is of course a must-see. The house at Prinsengracht 263 was used as a hiding place for the German girl Anne Frank and her Jewish family for almost two years until the family was betrayed and deported to Auschwitz in August 1944. Anne Frank, who wrote about her life in a diary during hiding period , eventually died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945. During a visit to this canal house, the rooms of the hiding place can be visited. The Anne Frank House also offers a wealth of educational materials and workshops. To reserve a visit, please plan in advance!

