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Camp Vught National Memorial

Camp Vught National Memorial

Details of the offer:

  • Category: Excursion
  • Duration: approx. 2 to 3 hours
  • Suitable for youths from the age of 10

National Monument Camp Vught is located approximately 60 kilometres from Ysselsteyn. Travelling with your own transportation is recommended. Camp Vught National Memorial is located on a part of the former Herzogenbusch concentration camp grounds. The camp was used as a transit camp from January 1943 to September 1944, from where around 32.000 people were deported to concentration camps in Eastern Europe. For the vast majority of people this meant eventual death. After the end of World War II, the camp was used for the internment of German prisoners of war. Prisoners who died during this period, including women and children, were also buried at the War Cemetery in Ysselsteyn. The exhibitions in the museum are written in English and Dutch, guided tours are also available in German on request.

